Supporting Businesses Nationally
Cash Flow Problems
Is your company facing cash flow problems that are impacting
the rest of the business?
For a free confidential discussion, call 020 3995 6380 | | offices nationally
How Opus can support business owners and directors
Our team can explain the options available to help return your business to profitability. We help business owners, directors and all stakeholders navigate their way through the uncertainty that distress brings.
Stop creditor pressure
Insolvency and rescue specialists
Independent advice
Common causes of cash flow problems in business
Often, businesses speak to us because they have cash flow problems and are struggling to implement a fix as Management are firefighting day-to-day challenges.
Common causes of cash flow problems include:
• Loss of contract or customer
• High overhead costs such as rent and business rates, which can put a strain on cash flow
• Slow payment by debtors can cause problems within the business in paying its own creditors and employees
• Overstock of products due to poor stock management
• Bad debts
• Pressure on profit margins
Immediate assistance
Our dedicated team is on hand to provide assistance to Directors of companies in financial difficulties. When a company is insolvent, a Director has a duty to minimise losses to stakeholders. Our senior management are available to talk to you about the problems you and your company face with complete confidentiality.
How do I fix cash flow problems?
Positive cash flow is vital to the success of your business. Whilst fixing the immediate problem, it is also important to implement longer-term changes to stop this from happening again. Whilst each case should be individually considered, there are a number of options you can consider to fix your cash flow challenge:
- Speak to supplier and negotiate payment terms
- Reduce the cost of your payroll
- Sell assets and any excess inventory you don’t need
- Consider closing down divisions of your business that are loss-making
- Refinance on better terms
Resources and guides
Our latest articles to support decision making for business owners and directors. These provide an overview on what is going on in the market and information about the options available when a company is facing challenges.
Here to help
Contact us today to have a no-obligatory chat with one of our business rescue specialists.